TariffShark TDM helps you manage every type of tariff, putting everything you need in one place. Its features will help you through every step of the tariff process from your first drafts to publishing. It is highly customizable too, so it can be used in any industry for any jurisdictional regulating body. Plus, you can manage the tariff documents for multiple companies from a single desktop.
TariffShark TDM allows you to manage your tariff documents in smaller pieces, making a larger tariff easier to handle. When only some of your documents need updating, you can change only those without having to alter the rest of them.
When you are ready to publish your tariff documents, choose a timeline (past, present, or future) and TariffShark TDM will combine your individual pieces into a single PDF.
With TariffShark TDM you can use Microsoft Word to edit your tariff documents. Changes in your tariffs can be marked automatically to clearly show what has been updated and TariffShark TDM will save both marked and clean renditions of your documents.
TariffShark TDM automates your tariffs' headers, footers, and layouts, which gives them a consistent appearance and always-accurate information in the headers and footers.
As a multi-user solution, you can keep everything in a centralized database, so everyone who needs to access your tariff documents can. You can control who has access to the features of TariffShark TDM with its robust, built-in security system.
Our expert, U.S.-based technical support team works when you work and provides timely assistance even under tight time constraints. In addition, TariffShark TDM is fully documented and training is available.
On 09/06/2024 FERC posted a Notice of Change to Implementation Date for Revisions to eTariff re Electronic Tariff Filings under RM01-5 (Notice). The notice extends the release date to 11/25/2024 and advises that another notice is forthcoming (on or around 9/30) which details new filing types and new validation error codes. Links Technology is aware of … Continue reading Updated FERC notice of revision to eTariff
A TariffShark software update (release 5.3) is available NOW! To comply with FERC’s “NOTICE OF REVISIONS TO eTARIFF” (Accession Number 20240611-3082, dated June 11, 2024), TariffShark release 5.3 addresses FERC’s Lead Applicant Identification requirements. All TariffShark installations must be upgraded to this release. Starting on September 30, 2024, eTariff filings made with older software will … Continue reading TariffShark Software Update Available for FERC Compliance
TariffShark software update fixes "This method or property is not available because the document is locked for editing" error
TariffShark release 5.1.5 is available now for minor FERC compliance reasons.