TariffShark Tiger User Guide

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Tariff Timeline

The Tariff Timeline form is used to display a list of the Tariff Record Versions that are considered to be in effect at a point in time. FTRVs with a FERC Response of Effective, Retired, Conditionally Effective, or Superseded are considered for display and those displayed are constrained to belong to the Tariff identified in the form's title.

Figure 1: Tariff Timeline form and timeline grid


Field Details Required
Effective Date Tariff Effective Date. Defaults to current date. TariffShark has the ability to determine the Tariff Record Versions that are/were in effect at any point in time, so the date provided here can be in the past or in the future. Yes
Search Term(s) Optionally enter search terms to only display Tariff Record Versions that contain the search terms within their content.


Field Details
Record Number Record Number of the Tariff Record Version
Description Description of the Tariff Record Version
Title Title of the Tariff Record Version
Narrative Name Narrative Name of the Tariff Record Version
Version Version number of the Tariff Record Version
Option Option letter of the Tariff Record Version.
Effective Date Effective Date of the Tariff Record Version within the Filing.
Filing The display name of the Filing in which the Tariff Record Version resides.

Action Buttons

Button Details
Generate Timeline Displays the requested timeline

See Also