TariffShark Tiger User Guide

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Validate Filing

The Validate Filing form is used to validate a Filing prior to filing it with FERC. Resolving all "Fail" messages prior to filing with FERC will help to guarantee that the Filing is accepted by FERC. A complete list of TariffShark validation messages is available here

Figure 1: Validate Filing form


Field Details
Filing The Title (or name) of the Filing
Filing Type Type of Filing in the form of (1) the Code, followed by (2) the Description, followed by (3) the Type (in curly braces)
Status Status of the Filing
Rule A TariffShark-specific code that identifies the validation rule.
Result Describes the validation as "Fail", "Warning", or "Information". "Fail" means that submitting the Filing to FERC will result in a FERC rejection. "Warning" means that there is something about the Filing that might require attention before submitting it to FERC.
Level The level, or Element, within TariffShark where the validation took place. Filing, Tariff Record, Tariff Record Version, Filed Tariff Record Version, and Attachment are among the levels that are reported.
Message A description of the specific condition that TariffShark has detected.
Solution A hyperlink that takes the user to a form in TariffShark where the validation issue may be resolved.

Action Buttons

Button Details
Validate Again Validates the Filing again

See Also