
The Filings screen displays all Filings within the context Tariff Database. Select a row in the grid and the SmartBar displays a few Filing-related commands.

Figure 1:List of Filings


Filing Title
Title of the Filing
Status of the Filing: Draft, Filed, or Complete
FERC Filing Date
Date the Filing will be/was filed with FERC
Docket Number
Docket number of the Filing
Order Date
The date of FERC's decision on the Filing - either express (via order) or implied (via statutory clock)
Effective Date
Effective date of the Tariff Record Version within the Filing. If there are multiple effective dates on the Filing's Tariff Record Versions, "<multiple>" will be displayed.
Filing Type
Type of Filing
FERC Filing ID
This is the Filing identifier that is sent to FERC when the Filing is filed.

SmartBar Commands

Tariff Database Tasks
Create Filing
Filing Tasks

See Also