TariffShark Tiger User Guide

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Create Tariff

The Create Tariff form is used to create a new Tariff within the context Tariff Database.

Figure 1: Create Tariff form, Tariff Details tab

Figure 2: Create Tariff form, Publishing Options tab

Figure 3: Create Tariff form, Custom Fields tab




Field Details Required
Description Description of the Tariff. Because Tariffs are sent to FERC as specialized Tariff Records (ones that have no parent TR), the Tariff Description is also used as the Tariff Record Description of the Tariff Record that represents the Tariff. Maximum field length 25. Yes
Title The Title (or name) of the Tariff. Because Tariffs are sent to FERC as specialized Tariff Records (ones that have no parent TR), the Tariff Title is also used as the Tariff Record Title of the Tariff Record that represents the Tariff. Maximum field length 60. Yes
Short Name User-designated Tariff name. Maximum field length 50. Yes
Default Record Format The Default Record Format: Section, Sheet, or Whole Document. By default, this value will be used as the Record Format for any Tariff Records created under this Tariff. Yes
Record Numbering Scheme Record Numbering Scheme for the Tariff. All Tariffs in the same Tariff Database must use Record Numbering Schemes that are configured with the same number of bits in the first level of the scheme. Yes
Default Document Layout The Document Layout selected here will be selected (by default) as the Default Document Layout for any Tariff Records created under this Tariff.
Default Marked Document Layout The Document Layout selected here will be selected (by default) as the Default Marked Document Layout for any Tariff Records created under this Tariff.
Auto-Populate Sheet Fields This setting tells TariffShark whether or not it should automatically populate the Description and Narrative Name fields on the Create Tariff Record Version and Update Tariff Record Version forms for Tariff Record Versions within a sheet-based Tariff (one whose Default Record Format is "Sheet").
Tariff Collation The Tariff Collation specifies the order in which Tariffs will be displayed in FERC's eTariff Viewer. The value must be unique among all Tariffs in the Tariff Database. Yes

Root Tariff Record

Field Details Required
Record Format Record Format for the top-most Tariff Record that represents this Tariff: Section, Sheet, or Whole Document Yes
Document Layout Document Layout for the top-most Tariff Record that represents this Tariff
Marked Document Layout Marked Document Layout for the top-most Tariff Record that represents this Tariff


Field Details Required
PDF Bookmark Text (Default) By default, this value will be used as the PDF Bookmark Text for any Tariff Record Versions created for the top-most Tariff Record that represents this Tariff. Maximum field length 127.
PDF Hyperlink Tag (Default) By default, this value will be used as the PDF Hyperlink Tag for any Tariff Record Versions created for the top-most Tariff Record that represents this Tariff. Maximum field length 127.
Include in Table of Contents (Default) By default, the choice made here will be used to indicate whether or not Tariff Record Versions created for the top-most Tariff Record that represents this Tariff will be included in the table of contents that TariffShark generates when publishing this Tariff.
Page Break Before (Default) By default, the choice made here will be used to indicate whether or not TRVs created for the top-most Tariff Record that represents this Tariff will specify to have a page break inserted before the TRV's content when Custom Publishing this Tariff.
Page Break After (Default) By default, the choice made here will be used to indicate whether or not TRVs created for the top-most Tariff Record that represents this Tariff will specify to have a page break inserted after the TRV's content when Custom Publishing this Tariff.
Table of Contents Item Format This field describes how Tariff Record Versions appear within the table of contents that TariffShark generates when publishing the Tariff. The value for this Field can be customized by dragging and dropping fields from Available Fields and also by typing into the textbox. Maximum field length 512.
Index Item Format This field describes how Tariff Record Versions appear within the index that TariffShark generates when publishing the Tariff. The value for this Field can be customized by dragging and dropping fields from Available Fields and also by typing into the textbox. Maximum field length 512.
Common Fields (drag & drop) List of available data fields to be used in "Table of Contents Item Format" and "Index Item Format" textboxes


Field Details
Custom Field This is the Name of the Custom Field.
Value Enter a Custom Field value right into the grid for the Tariff being created.
Help Text This is the Help Text of the Custom Field.

Action Buttons

Button Details
Create Creates the new Tariff
Cancel Closes the form without creating the Tariff

See Also