Filing Type Categories
The following are the Filing Type Categories as defined by FERC. Within TariffShark, filing types are designated within curly brackets: {filing_type}
Category | Description | |
New | A {New} type Filing is required only if this is the first Filing a Company is filing with FERC and a new Tariff Database has been created for that Filing. | |
Refiled | A {Refiled} type Filing is submitted only if a new Tariff Database is created for the Filing. These are used to submit Filings after a Company has already submitted at least one Filing to FERC. | |
Normal | This category is used for a type of Filing wherein the tariff submitter is the proponent of the change(s) in a tariff, rate schedule, or service agreement. This Filing Type Category will be the most commonly used by tariff submitters. | |
Compliance | A {Compliance} type of Filing may be necessary when submitting a Filing in compliance with a FERC order. The order could be the result of an earlier eTariff Filing or could be unrelated to prior eTariff Filings. | |
Amendment | This category is used for type of Filings wherein the tariff submitter proposes to change a pending tariff Filing prior to FERC or business process rule action on a Normal/Statutory type of Filing. A tariff submitter cannot amend a filing that FERC has acted upon either by order or by rule of law. Amendment type of Filings modify the timing of automated action on the associated Normal/Statutory or Amendment type of Filing. Amendments can be infinitely associated with each other with the same result of modifying the timing of automated action on the associated Normal/Statutory type of Filing and subordinates it to the Amendment type of Filing. | |
Motion | This category of type of Filing can only be associated with tariff records whose status condition in the FERC eTariff database is "suspended". The only action that a filing in this category can do is to change the Proposed Effective Date of the tariff record that is "suspended". Any change in the tariff, rate schedule, or service agreement is ignored. If a tariff submitter wishes to change both the status of suspended tariff record and tariff, rate schedule, or service agreement, it must file a "Compliance" type of Filing. | |
Withdraw | This category of type of Filing can only be associated with tariff records that are (depending on the program) in the FERC eTariff database in a "pending", "conditional" or "suspended" status condition. Any change in the tariff, rate schedule, or service agreement is ignored. This Filing Type Category may (depending on the program) automatically withdraw the targeted tariff record and change the formerly "superseded" tariff records to "effective". Therefore, no additional tariff Filing or tariff records are required to reinstate the superseded tariff record. Note: The Withdraw category of type of Filing should not be confused with the Record Change Type of WITHDRAW. The Withdraw Filing Type Cagetory acts upon the associated Filing as a whole, whereas the WITHDRAW Record Change Type acts upon the associated tariff record. |
Report | This category of Type of Filing contains no tariff record information. It can only be used to supplement the record of the proceeding. Basically, the {Report} type of Filing is meant to provide tariff submitters a means to make complex filings with FERC in an established proceeding as an alternative to FERC's eFiling website portal for non-tariff filings. | |
Cancellation | This category of type of Filing is used by the tariff submitter to terminate a Tariff Database (which FERC refers to as a tariff identifier). Once a Tariff Database is cancelled, only {Compliance} type of Filings with a Proposed Effective Dates before the effective date of the Cancellation may be filed within the cancelled Tariff Database. |